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Aim 54 War Thunder

AIM-54 Phoenix: A Legacy of Air-to-Air Dominance


The AIM-54 Phoenix Airborne Interception Missile was a long-range air-to-air missile that played a vital role in the United States Navy's air defense capabilities for decades.

Exceptional Performance

The Phoenix was known for its impressive performance, utilizing a sophisticated radar-guidance system to accurately intercept enemy aircraft. Its advanced design allowed it to engage targets at extended ranges, providing a significant advantage in air-to-air combat.

Legacy of Dominance

During its service, the Phoenix was credited with numerous aerial victories and served as a deterrent to potential adversaries. It was a key component of the Navy's fighter aircraft, including the F-14 Tomcat, and helped maintain air superiority in various conflicts, including the Gulf War.


The AIM-54 Phoenix Airborne Interception Missile stands as a testament to the technological prowess of the United States Navy. Its legacy of air-to-air dominance has cemented its place in military history, leaving a lasting impression on the world of aviation and reminding us of the vital role these systems play in ensuring the security of our skies.
